Surrey Park Early Learning Centre Logo


Our Latest News - Hot off the Press!

EDUCATION REVIEW OFFICE: The confirmed report from the Education Review Office is now available online

SHARE & EXCHANGE:  We have a Share & Exchange Community Hub located in the hallway off the office. 

If you have items in good working order that you no longer need, you can place them in the basket or on the shelves for others to help themselves to. This is not a financial undertaking – just a chance to pass on items that are no longer of use to you but may be useful to others.

COMMUNITY PANTRY:  Located by the Isabella St footpath, our community pantry is available for the Invercargill community to access.  Remember, take what you need, leave what you can.  As kaitiaki of this community pantry, we will do out best to look after it and keep it tidy.  If you notice something needs fixed, send us a message.

Fund Raising

Fund Raising sub-Committee: If you wish to support our committee in some or all the projects, email or let the office know.

While we are fortunate to have such a spacious building and site, this means we are also faced with significant property projects to help us adapt the building to be better equipped for our tamariki. Our fund raising team work hard to help us fund the extras that we need.

Current Fund Raiser: Any suggestions on ways to raise money will be gratefully received.

Centre Newsletters

Governance News

Our new committee for this year: Rachael Hewton is the President of our Governance Committee: Other committee members are: Chloe Cunningham, Mel McCormack, Karen Gill, Lorna Allott, Lauren Wilson, Samantha Sproat, Nicole Woutersen.

The strategic goals for 2023 – 2025 we aspire to:

  • Have effective communication systems with tamariki, whānau, staff and stakeholders (upgraded technology, Facebook & community presence)
  • Support kaiako to be current in their knowledge for quality teaching – embedded code of professional responsibility and standards, embedded 2017 Te Whāriki, and robust appraisal process to ensure best learning outcomes for our tamariki.
  • Develop our spacious environment to facilitate consistent quality opportunities for tamariki with an emphasis on “things natural”

Kitchen News

We aim to provide a well-balanced healthy menu with a focus on fresh foods and the cost of meals is included in the fee rate. Our menu is checked by a dietitian and prepared by our wonderful cook. There is a cooked mid-day meal. Morning tea, afternoon tea, and late afternoon tea consists of crackers with cheese, muffins, scones, or sandwiches and fruit.  


Take a look at our super tasty and nutritious menu:

From time to time we have food left over at lunch times. We pack the leftovers up and put them in the fridge/freezer in the whanau room – by the kitchen. If you know you are going to have a very hectic day, with not much time for getting a meal ready, you can take a look in the fridge/freezer and check out if there is something in there for you to take home.